Rewind Therapy

What is Rewind Therapy?

The rewind technique was originated and developed By DR. David Muss. The rewind technique is a treatment for Trauma, Phobias, and anxiety.

The rewind technique is an effective treatment that can greatly reduce, and even remove, traumatic or phobic symptoms quickly through relaxation and guided imagery, all without even having to talk about the details of the traumatic incident.


  • Using the rewind process helps people with post traumatic stress to re-programme the brain’s traumatic memories.

    During a traumatic experience, the usual way of processing information becomes disrupted and can get stuck in the short-term memory. This is why a person can feel like they are re-living the traumatic event in the form of flashbacks, nightmares, repetitive and distressing images, or physical sensations.

    Since the rewind technique is performed whilst in a state of deep relaxation, the brain can process the memory of the trauma calmly, transferring it from short-term memory to long term memory. This then makes it harder for your brain to recall the traumatic experience and therefore not feel like you are repeatedly re-living it.

  • The session will begin with an assessment of the issues you wish to work on and how they are effecting you.

    We will then work on you becoming relaxed and feeling calm. This involves using breathing techniques to help calm your body and mind. Alongside this, using your imagination we will create a time and place where you felt happiest and safe. This is called your ‘safe/calm place’. It can be a real place or one that you have created using your imagination. This will then be accessed at any time in the therapy should you find you are feeling distressed /upset during the REWIND process.

    We will then imagine that you are sat in a place of safety looking at a screen(TV/Cinema). You will imagine watching this screen where your traumatic memory/experience will be played out on the screen. You will be asked to play out the traumatic experience as if watching it on the screen therefore creating some distance between yourself and the experience. The playing of the events is often carried out within a few minutes . Once the replaying has come to an end you will then immediately imagine stepping into the screen and rapidly rewind the events back to the beginning.

    The aim is to achieve the rewinding of events in a way that manages your emotional pain levels, so we will work at a pace that is manageable for you.

    This is a very brief description of the process and more detail is provided in the session.

  • Fees at £50 per session.